DiamondHunt3 Wiki

The Reaper is a Monster found in the Cemetery. It has a strong Charge Attack that is shown by his glowing eyes and deals 30-40 damage. The Reaper will use this charge attack multiple times randomly, so it is best to have both Reflect and Invisibility to dodge the attacks. The Invisibility Amulet can also dodge the charge attack, but because this effect works randomly, it is not suitable for a consistent strategy. Also, Freeze can be very useful to cast between Charge Attacks to allow for Spell cooldowns to decrease.

When using Invisibility to dodge the charge attacks, you need to cast it on the third or fourth eye change, since it only lasts for two seconds while the eye animations last for four seconds before the charge attack is cast.


Item Amount Rarity
BlackSilk 2 - 4 1/1
ReaperHood 1 1/15
ReaperBody 1 1/15
ReaperLegs 1 1/15
ReaperBoots 1 1/15
ReaperGloves 1 1/15
Scythe 1 1/20


  • Reaper is not the Reaper's real name. Her real name is actually Deathy McDeathFace... and she is a she, so it's understandable why she prefers to go by Reaper instead of her given name.

Monsters BeeMonsterSigil
Fields ChickenMonsterSigil Chicken RatMonsterSigil Rat BeeMonsterSigil Bee
Forest SnakeMonsterSigil Snake EntMonsterSigil Ent ThiefMonsterSigil Thief GiantSnake monster idle 0 Giant Snake

BushyMonster Bushy

Caves BearMonsterSigil Bear SpiderMonsterSigil Spider SkeletonMonsterSigil Skeleton
Lava Dungeon LavaAlienMonsterSigil Lava Alien BatMonsterSigil Bat FireMageMonsterSigil Fire Mage

FireHawkMonster Fire Hawk

Northern Fields BoneHeadMonsterSigil Bone Head MammaPolarBearMonsterSigil Mamma Polar Bear YetiMonsterSigil Yeti

IceHawkMonster Ice Hawk

Cemetery GhostMonster Ghost SkeletonGhostMonster Skeleton Ghost Reaper monster stare 2 Reaper
CemeterySkeleton Cemetery Skeleton FireCemeterySkeleton Fire Cemetery Skeleton IceCemeterySkeleton Ice Cemetery Skeleton
Ocean SharkMonster Shark PufferFishMonster Puffer Fish TridentSoldierMonster Trident Soldier
PiranhasMonster Piranhas
Castle Dungeon SkeletonMonksMonster Skeleton Monks DungeonSpiderMonster Dungeon Spider StoneWomenMonster Stone Women

CorruptedKnightMonster Corrupted Knight

Dungeon Hole BabyRedDragonMonster Baby Red Dragon BabyYellowDragonMonster Baby Yellow Dragon BabyBlueDragonMonster Baby Blue Dragon
Castle Knight1Monster Knight 1 Knight2Monster Knight 2 Knight3Monster Knight 3 Knight4Monster Knight 4 Knight5Monster Knight 5
Special FaradoxMinion2Monster Faradox Minion 2 TridentSharkMonster Trident Shark
Event WitchMonster Witch MadYetiMonster Mad Yeti BunnyMonster Bunny
Normal Monsters in Blue Bosses in Bold Purple Special and Event Monsters in Green