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Geodes are resources that can be found from Mining after unlocking Mining Research 4. Geodes can be opened after crafting a Chisel to give a chance at receiving Minerals, which are used to craft Rings. There are five different types of geodes: Blue, Green, Red, Purple, and Sky, each of which are found by running a different piece of Mining Machinery and have different rarities.


Minerals can be found by opening a geode with a Chisel. Each tier of geode has three unique minerals that can be used to craft Rings, and higher tier Geodes can also give minerals from lower tiers. The Chisel can be upgraded with Gems to reduce the failure rate of opening Geodes. An unsocketed chisel has a failure rate of 50% while a Diamond Chisel has a failure rate of 0%, so it is highly beneficial to socket the chisel before opening hard to obtain geodes.

Geode Rate Unique Minerals
BlueGeode Blue Geode 1/51,840 per
Drills Drill
LimeQuartzMineral Lime Quartz
JadeMineral Jade
AmethystMineral Amethyst
GreenGeode Green Geode 1/259,200 per
Crushers Crusher
BlueMarbleMineral Blue Marble
LimoniteMineral Limonite
TashmarineMineral Tashmarine
RedGeode Red Geode 1/777,600 per
GiantDrills Giant Drill
DenseMarbleMineral Dense Marble
FluoriteMineral Fluorite
PurpleQuartzMineral Purple Quartz
PurpleGeode Purple Geode 1/1,555,200 per
Excavators Excavator
CrystalPrismeMineral Crystal Prisme
AmberMineral Amber
TanzaniteMineral Tanzanite
SkyGeode Sky Geode 1/2,055,200 per
GiantExcavators Giant Excavators
RoyalMineral Royal Mineral
RainbowCrystalMineral Rainbow Crystal
BloodCrystalMineral Blood Crystal

Blue Geode[]

The Blue Geode can be obtained when at least one Drill is running, at a rate of 1/51,840 per running Drill. This makes it about half as rare as a Sapphire per running Drill. Blue Geodes can be opened with the Chisel to obtain Lime Quartz, Jade, and Amethyst Minerals, in addition to several types of Ores.

Ore Stone Stone Copper Copper Iron Iron Silver Silver Gold Gold
Quantity 0-299 0-100 0-30 0-20 0-19

Note: The maximum ore values are likely incomplete, so please update if you obtain higher amounts from a single geode.

Green Geode[]

The Green Geode can be obtained when at least one Crusher is running, at a rate of 1/259,200 per running Crusher. This makes it about as rare as an Emerald per running Crusher. Green Geodes can be opened with the Chisel to obtain Blue Marble, Limonite, and Tashmarine Minerals, in addition to several types of Ores and all minerals from Blue Geodes.

Ore Stone Stone Copper Copper Iron Iron Silver Silver Gold Gold
Quantity 0-1990 0-942 0-361 0-100 0-50

Note: The maximum ore values are incomplete, so please update if you obtain higher amounts from a single geode.

Red Geode[]

The Red Geode can be obtained when at least one Giant Drill is running, at a rate of 1/777,600 per running Giant Drill. This gives it a rarity between a Ruby and a Diamond per running Giant Drill. Red Geodes can be opened with the Chisel to obtain Dense Marble, Fluorite, and Purple Quartz Minerals, in addition to several types of Ores and all minerals from Blue Geodes and Green Geodes.

Ore Stone Stone Copper Copper Iron Iron Silver Silver Gold Gold Promethium Promethium
Quantity 0-7017 0-3329 0-828 0-310 0-83 0-5

Note: The maximum ore values are incomplete, so please update if you obtain higher amounts from a single geode.

Purple Geode[]

The Purple Geode can be obtained when at least one Excavator is running, at a rate of 1/1,555,200 per running Excavator. This makes it one-and-a-half times as rare as a Diamond per running Excavator. Purple Geodes can be opened with the Chisel to obtain Crystal Prisme, Amber, and Tanzanite Minerals, in addition to several types of Ores and all minerals from Blue Geodes, Green Geodes, and Red Geodes.

Ore Stone Stone Copper Copper Iron Iron Silver Silver Gold Gold Promethium Promethium Titanium Titanium
Quantity 0-6.883 0-3.508 0-? 0-? 0-? 0-? 0-7?

Note: The maximum ore values are incomplete, so please update if you obtain higher amounts from a single geode.

Sky Geode[]

The Sky Geode can be obtained when at least one Giant Excavator is running, at a rate of 1/1,555,200 per running Giant Excavator. This makes it one-and-a-half times as rare as a Diamond per running Giant Excavator. Sky Geodes can be opened with the Chisel to obtain Royal Mineral, Rainbow Crystal, and Blood Crystal Minerals, in addition to several types of Ores.

Ore Stone Stone Copper Copper Iron Iron Silver Silver Gold Gold Promethium Promethium Titanium Titanium
Quantity 0-? 0-? 0-? 0-? 0-? 0-? 0-7?

Note: The maximum ore values are incomplete, so please update if you obtain higher amounts from a single geode.

Mining Scrolls[]

Mining Scrolls can be unlocked with Mining Research 5, which allow you to get Mining XP from finding Geodes (after finding the respective Mining Scroll for each Geode).

Scroll Effect MiningSkill XP
MiningScrollBlueGeode Blue Geode Scroll Finding Blue Geodes will now grant mining XP. 100
MiningScrollGreenGeode Green Geode Scroll Finding Green Geodes will now grant mining XP. 500
MiningScrollRedGeode Red Geode Scroll Finding Red Geodes will now grant mining XP. 2,000
MiningScrollPurpleGeode Purple Geode Scroll Finding Purple Geodes will now grant mining XP. 4,500
MiningScrollSkyGeode Sky Geode Scroll Finding Sky Geodes will now grant mining XP. ?

SkyGeodeGeodes and MineralsBloodCrystalMineral
Geodes BlueGeode Blue Geode GreenGeode Green Geode RedGeode Red Geode PurpleGeode Purple Geode SkyGeode Sky Geode
Blue Minerals LimeQuartzMineral Lime Quartz JadeMineral Jade AmethystMineral Amethyst
Green Minerals BlueMarbleMineral Blue Marble LimoniteMineral Limonite TashmarineMineral Tashmarine
Red Minerals DenseMarbleMineral Dense Marble FluoriteMineral Fluorite PurpleQuartzMineral Purple Quartz
Purple Minerals CrystalPrismeMineral Crystal Prisme AmberMineral Amber TanzaniteMineral Tanzanite
Sky Minerals RoyalMineral Royal Mineral RainbowCrystalMineral Rainbow Crystal link = Blood Crystal Blood Crystal

Resources Stardust
Mechanics Coins Coins Energy Energy FightPoints Fight Points Heat Heat Oil Oil Stardust Stardust
Items Bones Bones Feather Feathers Apple Foods DottedGreenLeaf Leaves Logs Logs TreeSeeds Seeds
Mining & Smelting BronzeBars Bars Charcoal Charcoal Sapphire Gems BlueGeode Geodes Lava Lava Copper Ores Sand Sand