DiamondHunt3 Wiki

Fruit Trees are a type of Tree which will randomly grow in Woodcutting Patches after unlocking Woodcutting Research 5. When chopped down, they yield Logs and Fruit, which is a very good source of extra Energy, similar to Maple Syrup from Maple Trees.

Tree Level Experience Rarity Growth time Fruit Energy
Apple Tree AppleTree 45 9,000 Uncommon 2:45:00 Apple Apples Energy 20
Banana Tree BananaTree 63 20,500 Rare 5:10:00 Bananas Bananas Energy 30
Palm Tree PalmTree 75 28,000 Very Rare 8:00:00 5-10 Coconuts Coconuts Energy 2,000

StripedCrystalLeaf Leaves, Seeds, and Trees MapleTree
DottedGreenLeaf Leaves DottedGreenLeaf Dotted Green Leaf (Seeds) GreenLeaf Green Leaf (Seeds) LimeLeaf Lime Leaf (Seeds)
GoldLeaf Gold Leaf (Seeds) • CrystalLeaf Crystal Leaf (Seeds) StripedGoldLeaf Striped Gold Leaf (Seeds)
StripedCrystalLeaf Striped Crystal Leaf (Seeds) StrangeLeaf Strange Leaf
BlewitMushroom Secondaries RedMushroom Red Mushroom (Seeds) BlewitMushroom Blewit Mushroom (Seeds)
Tree Trees Tree Tree (Seeds) OakTree Oak Tree (Seeds) WillowTree Willow Tree (Seeds)
BambooTree Bamboo Tree (Seeds) MapleTree Maple Tree (Seeds) LavaTree Lava Tree (Seeds)
PineTree Pine Tree (Seeds) StardustTree Stardust Tree (Seeds) RedwoodTree Redwood Tree (Seeds)
AppleTree Fruit Trees AppleTree Apple Tree (Seeds) BananaTree Banana Tree (Seeds) PalmTree Palm Tree (Seeds)
Stardust Special Seeds StardustSeeds Stardust Seeds