DiamondHunt3 Wiki

Fishing Tools are Tools used with the Fishing skill to catch Fish. There are three different fishing tools, and the player can select one to use after completing The Fisherman quest. All tools give mostly the same XP and Energy.

All three fishing tools can be upgraded independently with Gems up to Diamond. The upgraded tools can catch higher tier fish, though the rate at catching the lower tier fish will be unaffected.

Small Net[]

The Small Net is a fishing tool that can catch Raw Shrimp, Raw Anchovy, Raw Sardine, Raw Crab, and Raw Piranha.

Fish Tool Rate Energy Energy Heat Heat FishingSkill Fishing XP CookingSkill Cooking XP
Raw Shrimp RawShrimp SmallFishingNet 1/720 50 Energy 5 Heat 37 150
Raw Anchovy RawAnchovy Small Net (Sapphire) 1/1440 100 Energy 10 Heat 75 300
Raw Sardine RawSardine Small Net (Emerald) 1/4320 300 Energy 30 Heat 225 900
Raw Crab RawCrab Small Net (Ruby) 1/14.4k 1,000 Energy 100 Heat 750 3,000
Raw Piranha RawPiranha Small Net (Diamond) 1/144k 10,000 Energy 1,000 Heat 7,500 30,000

Fishing Rod[]

The Fishing Rod is a fishing tool that can catch Raw Trout, Raw Salmon, Raw Eel, Raw Sea Turtle, and Raw Rainbow Fish.

Fish Tool Rate Energy Energy Heat Heat FishingSkill Fishing XP CookingSkill Cooking XP
Raw Trout RawTrout FishingRod 1/1440 100 Energy 10 Heat 75 300
Raw Salmon RawSalmon Fishing Rod (Sapphire) 1/2880 200 Energy 20 Heat 150 600
Raw Eel RawEel Fishing Rod (Emerald) 1/14.4k 1,000 Energy 100 Heat 750 3,000
Raw Sea Turtle RawSeaTurtle Fishing Rod (Ruby) 1/43.2k 3,000 Energy 300 Heat 2,250 9,000
Raw Rainbow Fish RawRainbowFish Fishing Rod (Diamond) 1/720k 50,000 Energy 5,000 Heat 37,500 150,000


The Harpoon is a fishing tool that can be used to catch Raw Tuna, Raw Swordfish, Raw Manta Ray, Raw Shark, and Raw Whale.

Fish Tool Rate Energy Energy Heat Heat FishingSkill Fishing XP CookingSkill Cooking XP
Raw Tuna RawTuna Harpoon 1/7,200 500 Energy 50 Heat 375 1,500
Raw Swordfish RawSwordfish Harpoon (Sapphire) 1/14.4k 1,000 Energy 100 Heat 750 3,000
Raw Manta Ray RawMantaRay Harpoon (Emerald) 1/43.2k 3,000 Energy 300 Heat 2,250 9,000
Raw Shark RawShark Harpoon (Ruby) 1/144k 10,000 Energy 1,000 Heat 7,500 30,000
Raw Whale RawWhale Harpoon (Diamond) 1/360k 25,000 Energy 2,500 Heat 18,750 75,000